In addition to covering the basics of collecting, preserving and presenting evidence, this revision presents the latest developments in the law of evidence that are of interest to criminal justice personnel. Highlights include: chapter outlines, lists of key terms and concepts for each chapter, a glossary, and new, up-to-date cases in Part II.
As the title suggests, this book is about ‘terms’ in ‘context’. In essence, it seeks to demonstrate that corpora can be used for semi-automatic terminography. Metalanguage patterns are a common feature of certain types of specialised text and frequently offer clues to the meanings of the terms to which they refer; this book describes a methodology for retrieving and manipulating these meta language patterns so that they can be used in the formulation of terminological definitions.
Food - A Dictionary of Literal and Nonliteral Terms
Each of the more than seven hundred entries in the dictionary contains a description of the historical background of each of the two types of language, literal and nonliteral, and provides an explanation for the relationship between them. Wherever possible, dates of first record in English are provided, along with the bibliographical sources of these dates; and all of the works that record those terms and expressions are given in coded form as listed in the Key to Works Cited.
Assuming no prior knowledge of linguistics, Understanding Syntax, Third Edition discusses and illustrates the major terms and concepts essential to the study of sentence structure in the world's languages. Word classes such as 'noun' and 'verb' are explained, and the properties of these categories are discussed. You will discover what is meant by the terms 'subject' and 'object', what a finite verb is, and what relative clauses look like. Concepts such as 'gender', 'case', and 'subordination' are introduced and exemplified, with extensive illustration from English and many other languages.
Medical Terminology - The Language Of Health Care, Second Edition
With this powerful resource, you will master the intricacies of applied medical terminology through the real-world context of the medical record, which will teach you exactly how terms are used in clinical practice settings.