Following in the tradition of its popular predecessors, the CRC Desk Reference for Nutrition, Third Edition explains hundreds of terms commonly used in medicine, food science, metabolism, physiology, and nutrition. Thoroughly updated and expanded to reflect major advances over the past decade, this reference lists entries alphabetically and cross-references them when multiple terms are used for the same definition. Each entry is followed either by a definition, paragraph, essay, composition, article, or feature article. Many of the more complex entries are supported with figures or tables.
First published fifty years ago, A GLOSSARY OF LITERARY TERMS remains an essential text for all serious students of literature. Now fully updated to reflect the latest scholarship on recent and rapidly evolving critical theories, the ninth edition contains a complete glossary of essential literary terms presented as a series of engaging essays that explore the terms, place them in context, and suggest related entries and additional reading. This indispensable, authoritative, and highly affordable reference covers terms useful in discussing literature and literary history, theory, and criticism.
Added by: asistjk | Karma: 15.02 | Black Hole | 15 October 2011
English Trainer Software. Han-bratan
В помощь изучающим English. Программа также полезна тем, кому бывает необходимо запомнить значения различных терминов, выражений и т.д. Ее основное отличие - совершенно не требует от пользователя никаких действий или времени. Достаточно только выполнять свою повседневную работу на компьютере.
This is a flash-card program, which is:
- Small (both in terms of footprint and window size)
A much-needed guide to the terms and models used in the semiotic approach. Over the past few decades, semiotics has increasingly gained in popularity and yet, to many, the very term remains an enigma. But, until now, there has never been a dictionary that simply expresses the terms and models. The Dictionary of Semiotics' entries are based on the theory evolved by the Paris School of semiotics founded by A.J. Greimas. This invaluable guide combines a wordbook with detailed explanation of theory and a host of practical illustrations-all accessible to students of all levels.
Added by: Kahena | Karma: 11526.37 | Fiction literature | 17 September 2011
A Bridge to the Stars
12 year old Joel lives with his father in the cold northern part of Sweden. At night he often sneaks out of his father's house to look for a lonely dog he has seen from his window. On the bridge across the icy river he starts a secret society and has adventures. But one night he discovers that his father's bed is also empty and will have to come terms with his fathers new found love. The harsh reality of Joel's world comes vividly to life and leaves the reader spellbound.