An A-Z of ELT is an alphabetical list of ELT terms and concepts covering grammar, lexis, phonology, discourse, methodology, theory and practice. Each entry is categorised, described and explained in terms of its importance and relevance to ELT. Each definition is authoritative, clear and concise, and cross-referenced where relevant.
JOHN ARMSTRONG ON . . . Affection The idea of having a favorite picture brings into view the fact, generally kept quiet in the discussion of masterpieces, that we are sometimes tempted to speak of works of art in terms usually reserved for relations with people -- the language of affection. To speak in these warm terms about a painting or building is to propose a high privilege for art: like certain people, art can enter importantly into our lives.
Econometrics, Vol. 1: Econometric Modeling of Producer BehaviorThe objectives of econometric modeling of producer behavior are to determine the nature of substitution among inputs and outputs and of differences in technology, as well as the role of economies of scale in production. Recent advances in methodology, based on the dual formulation of the theory of production in terms of prices, have enabled econometricians to achieve these objectives more effectively.
This dictionary is specifically written in a simple language for easy grasping of psychology and allied sciences. About 8000 words used in the fields of psychiatry, psychology and neurology have been arranged in an alphabetical order along with their definitions. Some of the important terms of psychology and allied science related with India have also been included.
The Visual Dictionary of Photography provides clear definitions of key terms and concepts, backed up by hundreds of illustrative examples. Covering practical terms such as Lens Hood and Sheet Film as well as movements and styles such as Pictorialism and the Photosecession, it deals with the terminology of both digital and traditional photography.