Illustrated Dictionary of Photography: The Professional's Guide to Terms and Techniques
Cataloging everything from historic photographic processes to the latest advances in digital technology, this reference contains nearly 5,000 entries explaining the terms and techniques of photography. An ideal sourcebook for anyone with an interest in photography, entries include words associated with shooting techniques, digital imaging terms, specialized photographic subgenres, the science of photography, and notable photographers.
The first of its kind since the 1980s, this book provides authoritative definitions for more than 2,600 terms that apply to educational research, practice, and theory. The overall focus is on the most critical terms in education as used by current practitioners, yet references to significant historical events in education are also included.
The new, completely revised, and updated edition of this classic text remains the definitive dictionary in epidemiology worldwide. In fact, with contributions from over 220 epidemiologists and other users of epidemiology from around the globe, it is more than a dictionary: it includes explanations and comments on both core epidemiologic terms and on other scientific terms relevant to all professionals in clinical medicine and public health, as well as to professionals in the other health, life, and social sciences.
The Facts on File Companion to the American Short Story, 2nd Edition (Companion to Literature Series)
"The Companion to Literature" series focuses on drama, short stories, novels, and poetry as they are studied in high school and college curricula. Beginning with an introduction discussing the genre and its significance, each A-to-encyclopedia contains hundreds of clearly written entries on authors, literary works and terms, themes, historical places, and more
Defining more than 10,000 words and phrases from everyday slang to technical terms and concepts, this dictionary of the audiovisual language embraces more than 50 subject areas within film, television, and home entertainment.
The dictionary definitions are augmented by more than 600 illustrations, 1,600 etymologies, and nearly 2,000 encyclopedic entries that provide illuminating anecdotes, historical perspective, and clarifying details that might be missed by a more traditional dictionary. Usage notes provide further guidance where terms might be confused or are commonly misused.