List of Contents: Introduction C. P. BIGGAM: Old English colour lexemes used of textiles in Anglo-Saxon England Julie COLEMAN: Slang terms for money: a historical thesaurus Fiona DOUGLAS and John CORBETT: 'Huv a wee seat, hen': evaluative terms in Scots Philip DURKIN: Lexical splits and mergers: some difficult cases for the OED
Here is a reference work that is also meant to be a teaching tool, helping its readers comprehend the complex processes and development of the legislative branch of the U.S. government. It describes in simple language selected persons, events, and terms associated with Congress, including arcane terms such as Blue-slip procedure, Morning hour, andShadow senators. Also included are significant court cases, major elections, scandals, and other controversies and many of the rules and customs that regulate congressional behavior.
When old badger dies, his friends think they will be sad forever. But gradually they are able to remember Badger with joy and to treasure the gifts he left behind for every one of his friends. This sensitive book can help children come to terms with the death of those they love.
From the well known (plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose) to the not so familiar (amor de niño, agua en cestillo), The Harper Dictionary of Foreign Terms defines more than 15,000 foreign words and phrases, from more than fifty languages, that have entered into English.
This first of its kind descriptive dictionary, a serious work of lexicography which will have wide popular appeal, deals as comprehensively as possible with the terms of address--names, words, terms of endearment and epithets--used in English around the world.