A philosophical theory of language can aim for completeness in either of two senses. It may strive for "horizontal completeness", which would require it to give an account of all parts of languagesingular terms, predicates, verbs, adverbs, adjectives, nondeclarative sentences, speech acts, etc. Alternatively, it may strive for "vertical completeness", analysing some linguistic notions in terms of others, but ultimately providing an analysis of language which does not take any semantical or linguistic notions as primitive.
With over 1,000 entries, The Concise Dictionary of Literary Terms contains all of the most taxing literary terms that readers may come across. Clear and entertaining explanations are given for words such as multi-accentuality, postmodernism, and hypertext. The dictionary also provides extensive coverage of traditional drama, rhetoric, literary history, and textual criticism. This edition includes useful advice on further reading for particularly complex terms, as well as helpful pronunciation guides on over 200 terms.
Product Description: In the dynamic field of marketing, new terms, concepts, and techniques are emerging everyday. Keeping track of them is very difficult, if not impossible. This dictionary serves as a comprehensive guide to understanding marketing, its lexicon, and their usage. Marketing is discussed in all its dimensions, going beyond just the meaning of words to their etymology, nuances, and current significance. This invaluable reference tool covers more than 5,000 terms, concepts, theories, methods and techniques from the fields of: General marketing Consumer behavior Advertising Sales promotion Sales management Retailing International marketing E-marketing Services marketing Examples, illustrations, figures, and charts have been provided in order to better explain some of the terms. Lucidly written, this encyclopaedic dictionary will serve as a source of ready reference for all those in the area of marketing including students, research scholars, teachers, managers and marketing consultants.
In forensics, there is often a difficulty conveying critical scientific terms to investigators, attorneys, juries, and even court reporters. Forensic Science Glossary is a single source reference that contains the spelling and definitions of commonly used terms found in forensic environments. This glossary of words and their meanings covers important areas of forensic science, including the relevant toxicology, documents, drug chemistry, criminalistics, ballistics, and DNA analysis. It is the first forensic glossary to integrate such a wide variety of topics.
This book provides a compact yet thorough glossary of Forensic Science terms. The definitions are clear, concise and are worded in layman's terms. The glossary covers a wide range of topics within the Forensic Science field. I recommend this book to anyone associated with the field looking for an easy reference source of simple definitions. A very, very special dedication to my friend, Puma: an avid reader and a translator (among all other things!) whose net connection, good will and good heart I am overusingconstantly: May you live long and prosper :) I hope this glossary will be of some use. Please, kiss the cat for me :)
Race, ethnicity and culture are concepts of extreme relevance in society today, and yet continue to be interpreted in various and often contradictory ways. TheDictionaryprovides the historical background and etymology of a wide range of words related to these concepts, looking at discourses of race, ethnicity and culture from a broadly multicultural perspective.
This new and up-to-date dictionary contains numerous references to both European and American concepts, debates and terms that are relevant today- including words such as 'boat people', 'cybernazis', 'ebonics' as well as more established words and terms, such as 'affirmative action', 'caste', 'fortress Europe' and many more.