The CAAi EALTS is a multi-level, English for Aviation language testing system designed to assess the language proficiency of air traffic controllers, commercial flight crew and recreational pilots across all levels of the ICAO Language Proficiency Rating Scale from Pre-Elementary Level 1 to Expert Level 6.
The testing system assesses the English language skills of speaking and listening in the context of aviation and aeronautical communications.
An excellent primer on the key concepts of psychometrics
Essentials of Psychological Testing surveys the basic principles of psychometrics, supplies the information needed to understand and evaluate tests, and introduces readers to the major contemporary reference works in the field. It is the only book to provide such a thorough and up-to-date overview of psychometrics in an engaging, accessible format.
This book is an introductory text to the field of psychological testing primarily suitable for undergraduate students in psychology, education, business, and related fields. This book will also be of interest to graduate students who have not had a prior exposure to psychological testing and to professionals such as lawyers who need to consult a useful source. Psychological Testing is clearly written, well-organized, comprehensive, and replete with illustrative materials.
Straight Talk about Psychological Testing for Kids
Psychological testing is an invaluable resource in helping to determine what may be problematic with your child. This book is an extraordinary reference for parents and professionals in truly understanding when to use, and how to interpret, the various psychological tests available. Drs. Braaten and Felopulos provide an exceptional service by distilling complex information into a very readable and pragmatic guide."--Timothy E. Wilens, MD, Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School "At last! A superb book for the lay person about psychological testing.