Prime-time comprehension is a series of three books for ages 5-7, 8-10 and 11+. There are 20 original texts: five fiction; five comic strips; five nonfiction; and five poems. The texts within each genre are sequenced in order of difficulty. Each four-page unit includes: the appropriately illustrated text, a page with five literal and five inferential-type questions, one with five evaluative-type questions and one with an activity to expand on the text topic.
Prime-time comprehension is a series of three books for ages 5-7, 8-10 and 11+. There are 20 original texts: five fiction; five comic strips; five nonfiction; and five poems. The texts within each genre are sequenced in order of difficulty. Each four-page unit includes: the appropriately illustrated text, a page with five literal and five inferential-type questions, one with five evaluative-type questions and one with an activity to expand on the text topic.
Douglas Robinson offers the most comprehensive collection of translation theory readings available to date, from the Histories of Herodotus in the mid-fifth century before our era to the end of the nineteenth century. The result is a startling panoply of thinking about translation across the centuries, covering such topics as the best type of translator, problems of translating sacred texts, translation and language teaching, translation as rhetoric, translation and empire, and translation and gender.
Learning English is VOA’s multimedia source of news and information for millions of English learners worldwide. Audio programs and captioned videos are written using vocabulary at the intermediate and upper-beginner level. This programs are read one-third slower than normal English speed. Online texts, MP3s and podcasts let people read, listen and learn American English and much more.
Learning English is VOA’s multimedia source of news and information for millions of English learners worldwide. Audio programs and captioned videos are written using vocabulary at the intermediate and upper-beginner level. This programs are read one-third slower than normal English speed. Online texts, MP3s and podcasts let people read, listen and learn American English and much more.