Fiction on the Fringe: Novelistic Writing in the Post-Classical Age (Mnemosyne, Bibliotheca Classica Batava Supplementum)
This collection of essays offers a comprehensive examination of texts that traditionally have been excluded from the main corpus of the ancient Greek novel and confined to the margins of the genre, such as the "Life of Aesop", the "Life of Alexander the Great", and the "Acts of the Christian Martyrs". Through comparison and contrast, intertextual analysis and close examination, the boundaries of the dichotomy between the 'fringe' vs. the 'canonical' or 'erotic' novel are explored, and so the generic identity of the texts in each group is more clearly outlined
Contributors from a variety of disciplines--including literature, art history, manuscript studies, philology, and more--consider the definitions and implications of style in Anglo-Saxon culture and in contemporary scholarship. They demonstrate that the idea of style as a "constant form" has its limitations, and that style is in fact the ordering of form, both verbal and visual. Anglo-Saxon texts and images carry meanings and express agendas, presenting us with paradoxes and riddles that require us to keep questioning the meanings of style.
English Matters - October 2010 - Special Edition - United States
Polish bimonthly magazine for the learners of English. Tackles such issues as: travel, leisure, culture, people and lifestyle, and news. Level B2. Some articles accompanied with audio.
All texts in English. Difficult words translated into Polish.
Vocabulary readers can be used to pre-teach or reinforce key vocabulary. These leveled Vocabulary Readers provide high-interest nonfiction texts for the vocabulary development of fourth grade students.
The book contains nineteen topics in three levels, each level has a sample text, translations and grammar practice exercises. After each level you can find the list of vocabulary with Hungarian equivalents.