Theoretical Concepts in Physics: An Alternative View of Theoretical Reasoning in PhysicsThis second edition of a popular text demonstrates how physics can be appreciated through a series of case studies spanning a complete university physics course. Highlights include three new chapters on Newton's laws (one on ancient astronomy up to the time of Galileo, one on Galileo, and one on Newton); a new chapter on dimensional methods, chaos and self-organized criticality; and a new chapter on the technology of cosmology.
Chaotic Dynamics: Theory and Applications to EconomicsThis book is a tool for the theoretical and numerical investigation of nonlinear dynamical systems modeled by means of ordinary differential and difference equations. The work is divided into two parts: a book, comprising a theoretical overview of the subject matter and a number of applications; and an integrated software program. The book first discusses the fundamental concepts and methods of chaos theory, and then applies these theoretical results
Книга содержит тезисное представление основных положений грамматической теории, разбитое по семинарским темам, задания для самостоятельной работы по основным разделам морфологии, синтаксиса и грамматики текста, выдержки из работ лингвистов по кардинальным проблемам грамматики английского языка, тесты и глоссарии.
Much recent work in social psychology has questioned the assumptions and practices of traditional research and debate. This book pulls these new trends together in a major overview of the main theoretical, political and empirical developments.
This textbook teaches some of the basic econometric methods and the underlying assumptions behind them. It also includes a simple and concise treatment of more advanced topics in spatial correlation, panel data, limited dependent variables, regression diagnostics, specification testing and time series analysis. Each chapter has a set of theoretical exercises as well as an empirical illustration using a real economic application. These empirical exercises usually replicate a published article using Stata or Eviews.