Collection of stories appearing in Winnie-the-Pooh (1926) and The House at Pooh Corner (1928) read by a full cast. Twenty stories split across six CDs. 8 professional actors, background sounds, music, etc.
One more version of Winnie the Pooh. There are never too many Winnies ;)
The BBC NEW ENGLISH COURSE includes 24 CD ROM and is the world’s most successful language learning course.
Improving listening and speaking skills: The content is more colloquial and is very enjoyable. You can learn words of congratulations, slang and numerous words in everyday use. There are also introductions to format and informal letters, as well as stories, plays and poems.
This book was designed to help parents answer these important questions, and it is based on two fundamental ideas: The first is that there are no bad children, and no deliberately bad parents -- but that sometimes, despite the best of intentions on both sides, there can be bad relationships between parents and children. The second is that, as parents, we must do everything we can to save those relationships, to reach out and really communicate with our children, because it is only through talking to them that we can create an environment for inspiration and change.
Fought on 14th October 1066 between Duke William of Normandy and Harold Godwinson, king of England, the Battle of Hastings irrevocably changed the course of English history. William's victory ensured his accession to the English throne. Hastings was also decisive in another way: the horrendous casualties suffered by the English nobility both there and at the two earlier battles of Fulford and Stamford Bridge resulted in there being very few men influential enough to lead an English resistance once William had been crowned. William would survive long enough to successfully found a Norman dynasty of English kings.
From the truth that Flaubert did not fly it follows logically that there was someone who did not fly. From the truth that Emma Bovary did not exist does it follow, similarly, that there was someone who did not exist? Given the fact that Cerberus is non-existent, what sort of information is it that Cerberus guards the gate of hell (and not of heaven)? The first woman to be born in the 21st centrury does not yet exist but is she as unreal as Emma Bovary?