"Its entries manage to avoid the obscurities of an exaggerated brevity without stretching themselves out as if seeking to embody whole miniature essays. In short it presents itself as a model of clarity and clarification." Alan Montefiore, Balliol College, Oxford "The style is fresh and engaging, and it gives a broad and accurate picture of the Western philosophical tradition. It is a pleasure to browse in even if one is not looking for an answer to a particular question." David Pears "The book makes for interesting browsing, and there is a lot of information to be found in it." Analytic Teaching "People studying philosophy- at higher levels of school and college and lower levels of university- will find the coverage here highly satisfying. Value for money of the best kind."
This is a collection of videolessons from EF english. Each lesson has its own topic and teaches some new vocabulary and gives the opportunity to practice listening. The lessons are divided according to the level. There are 16 lessons in each level.
Here you see is Effective-English, a great and easy way to learn the Basics of English from a native English speaker. All elements in this program are designed to make you think and understand better, without being consciously aware of learning them.
* Essential literacy and numeric skills. Features up to 160 various items to learn. There are great pictures, which help describe the words you are learning. * Help is available in both English and Korean. * Proper speech of the Words and Alphabet from native speaker. * There are a variety of fun exercises, which focus on words and spelling along with word and picture association. Build up a catalog of essential words as well as learning sentences to use them. * Ability to learn and hear the Alphabet. Examples of words with pictures are given. * Learn to write the Alphabet in both “UPPERCASE” and “lowercase ” characters to show how to write them correctly. * There are two languages, British English and American English.
English 101 Grammar & Reading is a small booklet of 38 pages written by Mr.Amin Hady mainly for Arab students to learn English.But this booklet can be used for any learner or teacher as there is very few Arabic here. Very useful for practising speaking in English.
When the first edition of this ABC was written in 1985 there was no “evidence-based medicine”, no human genome, no BSE or nvCJD, no epidemic of obesity and associated type II diabetes; there were no statins to lower plasma cholesterol and no genetically modified foods. Helicobacter pylori had just been discovered. The role of folate in neural tube defects had not been established, or raised plasma homocysteine as a risk factor for heart disease. The Barker hypothesis had not been propounded. These recent discoveries and ideas affect nutritional practice and they appear or influence what is in this new edition.