Marvin the Magnificent is a mouse who needs adventure. Living in the toy section of a New York department store is certainly comfortable. But it's time, Marvin tells his friends Fats and Raymond, to shake things up by going Outside. Reuploaded Thanks to wepr
How to Do Things with Books in Victorian Britain asks how our culture came to frown on using books for any purpose other than reading. When did the coffee-table book become an object of scorn? Why did law courts forbid witnesses to kiss the Bible? What made Victorian cartoonists mock commuters who hid behind the newspaper, ladies who matched their books' binding to their dress, and servants who reduced newspapers to fish 'n' chips wrap?
From hugs and kisses to playing and comforting—mamas are all the best! A little fox, a kitten, a duckling, a little girl and more share their favorite things about their mamas.
The Complete Boy Mechanic: 359 Fun & Amazing Things to Build
The Boy Mechanic--bigger and better! This handsome hardcover features every one of the fantastic vintage projects and handy advice from both The Boy Mechanic and The Boy Mechanic Makes Toys.