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Аудиокурс, состоящий из диалогов, в которых повторяются простые английские идиомы и грамматические обороты. Удобный материал для дополнительных диктантов и аудирования.
Added by: Maria | Karma: 3098.81 | Other | 19 April 2009
This is the perfect book if you have ever wanted to amuse, amaze or simply astound your friends with mind boggling tricks involving coins, matchsticks and other everyday objects. A cleverly thought-out book that allows what may appear simple problems to solve suddenly become extremley frustrating. As with most of these things, the answer is simple when you know how, and seemingly impossible if you don't! Over fifty puzzles are fully illustrated with solutions in the back if needed.
All things must pass. In an understatement of historic proportions, quite a few things have passed since the end of the last millennium, when The Handy History Answer Book was first released. A new era has taken shape, and a fully-revised edition of The Handy History Answer Book records it with more than 150 new questions and answers that expand on the more than 1,000 covering past millennia. A concise guide to all things historical, Handy History addresses people, times, and events in a wide-ranging and comprehensive manner, complemented by more than 125 illustrations and, for those who like their history instant, a chronology of major events.
This book presents 50 keys for living the good life. Building on her successful series of small books about big ideas ("Choosing Happiness", "Things I Want My Daughters to Know"), Alexandra Stoddard's new book focuses on taking charge of your life, your way.