Quantitative Data Analysis with SPSS 12 and 13 a Guide for Social Scientists
This new edition has been completely updated to accommodate the needs of users of SPSS Release 12 and 13 for Windows, whilst still being applicable to those using SPSS Release 11 and 10.
France, in the year 1838, was undergoing a period of political and economic chaos. Poverty and misery were common everywhere. The only hope of the poor rested with individual benefactors like Prince Rudolf, the Grand Duke of Gerolstein. Disguised merely as M. Gerolstein, he goes about giving aid only to those poor who despite adversity, have remained virtuous. Those who have turned criminal , he brings to justice for the punishment they deserve.
In December 2008, snowmobilers spot two abandoned horses high in the Canadian Rockies. Starving and frostbitten, the horses have trampled the ten-foot-deep snow into a narrow white prison. Those who reach them bring hay but also a gun, in case the horses are too far gone. A glint of life in the horses' eyes earns them the hay.
Using definitions from the 2000 word Longman Defining Vocabulary, this activator offers many example sentences showing how words are used, taking many of them from authentic texts and conversations. It aims not to be confusing by offering key words that students should already know, and presents them with a choice of words and phrases on menus, similar to those on a computer screen. The dictionary also explains the use of various grammatical patterns.