The Thrilling Conclusion to the Fate of the Alpha Story! SOMETHING WICKED HAS COME to Tarker's Hollow... Ainsley Connor wants to protect her pack from the ancient evil in Tarker's Hollow. With her magic and her wolf finally working together, she just might have a chance. But even if she does, the pack elders threaten to disband the Tarker's Hollow pack.
What begins as a neighborly overture between a painterly pig and an artsy cow escalates into a monumental modern art mess. Before you can say paint-by-numbers, the two artist are calling each other names and ultimately building a fence between them. But it turns out that what divides them also reunites them. And when they accidentally create a masterpiece together, they learn that their friendship is the greatest work of all.
In The Playdate Busy Book (previously titled The Siblings’ Busy Book) authors Hanson and Kempskie have outlined 200 activities that all the kids can enjoy together (ages 3 months to 9 years). Each activity write-up includes ways for babies, toddlers, preschoolers, and school-age kids to join in the fun. As in other Busy Books, the activities range from arts & crafts, seasonal decorating, outdoor adventures, and imagination stretchers to making music, learning together, and rainy-day family fun.
Ottenheimer's authoritative yet approachable introduction to the field's methodology, skills, techniques, tools, and applications emphasizes the kinds of questions that anthropologists ask about language and the kinds of questions that intrigue students. The text brings together the key areas of linguistic anthropology, addressing issues of power, race, gender, and class throughout.
Tara Road, is the story of two women one Irish, one American, both struggling to overcome personal tragedies who agree to swap houses for the summer. Ria and her husband, Danny, live in a magnificent old house they have restored together. But her posh Dublin address loses much of its charm when Danny leaves her for his young, pregnant girlfriend.