Healing (Achieve Total Wellness Through Higher Levels of Consciousness) (Audiobook, MP3)
Bring Complete Healing into Every Area of Your Life! Dr. David Hawkins's renowned Map of Consciousness is one of the most innovative and useful personal development tools ever developed. In this groundbreaking program, Dr. Hawkins shows you how to use this scientifically formulated technology to bring healing and wellness to the most important parts of your life quickly, comfortably, and naturally!
Simple, easy-to-follow instructions with clear explanations of ingredients and utensils take children through each phase of food preparation and actual cooking. Helpful introduction includes a basic list of necessary ingredients and equipment, cooking hints, and sample menus. Total of 60 recipes: pizza, hamburgers, salads, cookies, cakes, macaroni and cheese, much more.
In 1966, the late Philip K. Dick published the novelette "We Can Remember It for You Wholesale." A movie based on the story will be released next year; this book is a novelization of the script and the original novel. The first half of the book follows the original plot closely, despite transforming the unremarkable protagonist Douglas Quail into a musclebound man of action. Frustrated with his life, Quail decides to purchase a memory of a two-week adventure on Mars because he can't afford the real thing. However, while under heavy sedation preparatory to the installation of the memory, Quail remembers that he actually was on Mars as an intelligence agent and killer.
Total English is a new course for young adults and adults. This teacher's Book provides tips on lesson planning and a wide range of activities to practice the language presented in the course.