Illustrates that translation as a culture transcending process is an important way of positioning cultures. The focus is on the role of translation for the formation of cultural identities, and on effects of globalization for translating advertising.
Teaching & Researching Translation provides an authoritative and critical account of the main ideas and concepts, competing issues, and solved and unsolved questions involved in Translation Studies. This book provides an up-to-date, accessible account of the field, focusing on the main challenges encountered by translation practitioners and researchers. Basil Hatim also provides readers and users with the tools they need to carry out their own practice-related research in this burgeoning new field.
Let the meta-discussion begin, James Holmes urged in 1972. Coming almost forty years later years filled with fascinating and often unexpected developments in the interdiscipline of Translation Studies this volume offers the reader a multiplicity of meta-perspectives, while also moving the discussion forward. Indeed, the (re)production and (re)use of metalinguistic metaphors frame and partly determine our views on research, so such a discussion is vital -as it is in any scholarly discipline. Among other questions, the eleven contributors draw the reader s attention to the often puzzling variations of usage and conceptualization in both the theory and the practice of translation.
Translation and Opposition is an edited volume that explores issues of inter/intra-social agency and identity construction. The book features a collection of case studies in such diverse fields as interpreting, audiovisual translation and the translation of political discourse and (contemporary) literary texts. As contributors show, translation is an act of negotiating fault lines between ?us? and cultural or political ?others?.
A practical guide to translation as a profession, this book provides everything translators need to know, from digital equipment to translation techniques, dictionaries in over seventy languages, and sources of translation work. It is the premier sourcebook for all linguists, used by both beginners and veterans, and its predecessor, The Translator’s Handbook, has been praised by some of the world’s leading translators, such as Gregory Rabassa and Marina Orellana.