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Phrase Book providing you with the key phrases to get the most out of your trip. The phrase book features over 1200 everyday phrases that every traveller needs to speak confidently, plus a menu reader and culture tips to help you understand the country you are visiting.
BBC Focus - Science & Technology - August 2014
Focus is the BBC’s science and technology monthly magazine. Jargon-free and accessible, you don’t need a PhD in particle physics to enjoy reading it. All you need is a quizzical mind that wants to understand the world around you, and gain a fact or two to keep up your sleeve in a pub quiz emergency.
An easy-to-understand overview of the key concepts of psychological testing Fully updated and revised, the second edition of Essentials of Psychological Testing surveys the basic principles of psychometrics, succinctly presents the information needed to understand and evaluate tests, and introduces readers to the major contemporary reference works in the field.
Focus is the BBC’s science and technology monthly magazine. Jargon-free and accessible, you don’t need a PhD in particle physics to enjoy reading it. All you need is a quizzical mind that wants to understand the world around you, and gain a fact or two to keep up your sleeve in a pub quiz emergency.
One of five new additions to our popular Read and Understand series, Read and Understand Nonfiction: Grade 4-6 expands the series to higher grades for the first time. Along with the new Read and Understand Fiction: Grade 4-6, it provides teachers with a comprehensive resource of stories and skills pages to supplement any core reading program. Each of the stories are followed by activities for practicing reading skills such as: comprehension, vocabulary development, phonetic elements, and word attack skills