How to draw cool stuff . If you are looking for a drawing book that will teach you how to draw, this is the best book for you and your kids. This is a practical guide for anyone that love drawing and illustrating. The author and illustrator teaches you to draw and succeed in a short time even if you dont know how to draw at all! Everybody can draw and now you can too! a unique technique that will give you great drawing tools and lead you to success. recommended for age 6 and all ages (for adults that want how to draw easily also)
Author: Bulger Anthony A unique learning method: "Intuitive assimilation"___"My tailor is rich" are familiar words to millions. This was the first sentence of Assimil's "English Made Easy" first published in 1929. The phrase has since become synonymous with fun language-learning with an undertone of humour. Assimil courses have been regularly updated over the years but they all follow the unique, tried and tested principle of "intuitive assimilation".
Art Lab for Little Kids: 52 Playful Projects for Preschoolers
Developed for the younger set (4-6 year olds) and targeting one of the most critical developmental periods for children, Art Lab for Little Kids is the perfect book for both parents and teachers who are seeking enriching and unique experiences to offer this age group.
All about Me: Inside and Out: Ready-To-Go Activities, Games, Literature Links, and Hands-On Reproducibles
Includes an Interactive Poster! What makes me special? How do I grow? What happens when I get a cut? This fun-filled theme unit taps into children's natural curiosity about their bodies and what makes them unique. Includes engaging cross-curricular activities, learning centers, easy-to-make manipulatives, unique bulletin board ideas, hands-on reproducibles, and much more.