How Your House Works: A Visual Guide to Understanding and Maintaining Your Home, Updated and Expanded
Published: 2012
Pages: 208
Why is my faucet leaking, my toilet running, or my dishwasher refusing to start? Can I fix it myself? What's causing the heating system to smell bad or the foundation to crack? Do I need an air filtration system? Is the new "engineered lumber" as good as conventional wood? These are just a few examples of questions homeowners face when repairs are needed or when a new house or addition is being planned.
Economics: Principles & Practices is the only program with full coverage of the new economy and the impact of the digital revolution. It is correlated to the National Standards and, in addition to having current statistics and news events, this program has updated diagrams, charts, maps, photos, and illustrations.
The Bank of English is a collection or corpus of samples of modern English language held on computer for analysis of words, meanings, grammar and usage. Much more than just an electronic dictionary, it contains: Complete 4th edition of the Collins COBUILD English Dictionary for Advanced Learners including: 2,000 new words that have come into use more examples improved coverage of American English updated definitions to make them simpler and provide a clearer understanding.
Hamburger America: Completely Revised and Updated Edition: A State-by-State Guide to 150 Great Burger Joints
America's hamburger expert George Motz returns with a completely updated edition of Hamburger America, now with 150 establishments where readers can find the best burgers in the country.
100+ Ideas for Teaching Citizenship (Continuums One Hundreds) 2011
This book offers more than 100 ideas to inspire your lesson planning, engage students in lessons, carry out effective assessment and many other tips and activities to make life a bit easier for Citizenship Education teachers in both Secondary and Primary schools. This edition includes activities on: • The international banking crisis • Immigration and migration • The recent elections in the UK, EU and USA and updated material on: • Legislation, curriculum changes, technology, reports and research •