The Time Zones Classroom Presentation Tool is compatible with PC and Mac computers, and all forms of Interactive Whiteboard. This time-saving tool contains an interactive version of the Student Book, the full audio and video program, and all answer keys.
Engaging real-world content that brings National Geographic Explorers and 21st century topics into the classroom. A communicative approach that offers students the opportunity to learn about and critically discuss global issues. National Geographic video in every unit, introducing amazing places, culture, and information from around the world.
First Kiss - YouTube video gone viral (JPEG,DOC,Video)
First Kiss - YouTube video gone viral. This is a video lesson based on the video of a social experiment. The concept is similar to Hug me or Talk to me.
A group of strangers is blindfolded and asked to kiss a complete stranger. See yourself what happens as a result of it.
The video is a good icebreaker but could also be used as a stand alone lesson. It provides la big emotional response and facilitates speaking. Real comments from youtube could be used to take the discussion even further.
You are welcome!
I design all the lessons myself and include the DOC file, so feel free to make all the necessary corrections you may have in mind.
TTC Video - Origins and Ideologies of the American Revolution
The years 1760–1800 rocked the Western world. These were the years when colonists on the eastern fringes of a continent converted Enlightenment thought first into action, then into government. Astonishing the world leaders of the day, they defied and broke away from their mother country, and then fashioned a republic capable of sustaining itself generation after generation. Why this happened and how the colonists did it is the subject of Professor Peter C. Mancall's 48 lectures. It is a story of immense importance and rich discoveries.
Video - High School Level - World History: The Fertile Crescent to The American Revolution
Give your student a time travelling tour of world history with this brilliant lecture series taught by award winning educator Linwood Thompson. In 30 lectures your student will cover the full story of human civilization, analyzing geography, technology, economies, social institutions and cultural achievements. The magnitude of the material would be daunting for most teachers, but not this one.
Added by: decabristka | Karma: 68075.20 | Exam Materials » SAT | 30 April 2018
Kaplan’s SAT Prep Plus 2018 provides in-depth content review and strategies for every question to ensure test-day success. With our book, you’ll get step-by-step methods for approaching each section, clear explanations to all answer choices, and online video lessons.We stand behind SAT Prep Plus 2018. After studying with the online resources and book, you'll score higher on the SAT—or your money back.With SAT Prep Plus 2018 you can study anywhere. Log in to watch video lessons, complete quizzes, and take practice tests on a laptop or mobile device.