Country & Western Dance (The American Dance Floor)
Country & Western Dance turns the spotlight on a uniquely American form of dance, one that has been scuffing the floorboards for nearly a century but is often overlooked. Country & Western dancing is a genre that has been hard to define. Basically, the term “country dancing” was loosely applied to any dancing done in the countryside or just about any rural area. In that sense, just about any type of Appalachian Mountain Dancing, English country dancing, square dancing, barn dancing, and other similar events were often called “country dances.
When China Rules the World - The Rise of the Middle Kingdom and the End of the Western World
For well over two hundred years we have lived in a western-made world, one where the very notion of being modern is inextricably bound up with being western. The twenty-first century will be different. The rise of China, India and the Asian tigers means that, for the first time, modernity will no longer be exclusively western. The west will be confronted with the fact that its systems, institutions and values are no longer the only ones on offer. The key idea of Martin Jacques's ground-breaking new book is that we are moving into an era of contested modernity.
Greek and Roman warfare was unlike that of any other culture before or since. The key difference is often held to be that the Greeks and Romans practiced a "Western Way of War," in which the aim is an open, decisive battle--won by courage instilled, in part, by discipline. Here, Harry Sidebottom looks at how this Western Way of War was constructed and maintained by the Greeks and Romans and why this concept is so prevalent today.
The Western Herbal Tradition - 2000 Years of Medicinal Plant Knowledge
The Western Herbal Tradition provides a comprehensive and critical exploration of the use of plant medicines through 2000 years of history from Dioscorides to the present day. It follows each of the 27 herbs through a wide range of key sources from European, Arabic and American traditions including Greek, Roman and Renaissance texts. A rich discussion of the historical texts is balanced with current application and research. The herbs have been selected on the basis of common use by practising herbalists.
Awakening the Buddha Within : Eight Steps to Enlightenment: Tibetan Wisdom for the Western World
Added by: nastroenie | Karma: 223.50 | Black Hole | 7 February 2011
Awakening the Buddha Within : Eight Steps to Enlightenment: Tibetan Wisdom for the Western World
Awakening the Buddha Within will be definitive--the first real audiobook of Western Buddhism, explaining American and Western Buddhism not only from the heart, but also from the ground up. Awakening the Buddha Within will cover the traditional Three Trainings for Enlightenment: Ethics, Meditation, and Wisdom, and includes all the major concepts of Tibetan Buddhism from the Eight Steps to Enlightenment to the Six Principles of Enlightened Living, and sets them in the context of our Western lives and experiences.
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