Western Esotericism: A Brief History of Secret Knowledge
A controversial issue of public debate during the recent years, esotericism can be described as the search for an absolute but hidden knowledge that people claim to access through mystical vision, the mediation of higher beings, or personal experience. In Western cultural history these claims often led to conflicts with more established forms of scriptural religions and with reductionist interpretations in science and philosophy.
A treasure chest of ideas on how to use Japanese antiques in Western surroundings. The authors highlight 77 different kinds of antiques and folkcraft playing new aesthetic roles in 45 lovely Western-style homes. With 144 full-color photos, this landmark book, the first of its kind, is an essential introduction to the wide ranging field of Japanese artifacts.
Art across the Ages is a mind-broadening survey of Western visual art designed to familiarize you with its basic history, acquaint you with major artists and styles, and provide you with a broad foundation for deeper exploration. In 48 insightful lectures taught by Professor Ori Z. Soltes of Georgetown University, you get a ready grasp of the substance and significance of a vast range of works, along with a solid knowledge of how they fit into the continuity of Western art.
Homer: Comprehensive Research and Study Guide (Bloom's Major Poets)Homer, the legendary Greek poet, is often credited with having created "The Iliad" and "The Odyssey". Scholars debate whether or not such a figure actually existed, yet what remains certain is the importance of these two works as foundational texts of Western literature.
Mindy Monarch flies home to California for a long winter vacation, and in the Spring, the new generation of Monarchs begins the return journey to Canada...with much worry of finding milkweed to lay eggs and flowers for nectar. But the discovery of school children planting a butterfly garden saves the day. Boone’s story of the life cycle and migration of the Western Monarch is one that very young children can understand and spend hours enjoying...reading and coloring original illustrations by Susi Grell Knox that include a fun foldout page of the Welcome Home Monarch Festival.