This bookuses the figure of the Victorian heroine as a lens through which to examine Jane Austen’s presence in Victorian critical and popular writings. Aimed at Victorianist readers and scholars, the book focuses on the ways in which Austen was constructed in fiction, criticism, and biography over the course of the nineteenth century. For the Victorians, Austen became a kind of cultural shorthand, representing a distant, yet not too-distant, historical past that the Victorians both drew on and defined themselves against with regard to such topics as gender, literature, and national identity.
Like is a ubiquitous feature of English with a deep history in the language, exhibiting regular and constrained variable grammars over time. This volume explores the various contexts of like, each of which contributes to the reality of contemporary vernaculars: its historical context, its developmental context, its social context, and its ideological context. The final chapter examines the ways in which these contexts overlap and inform current understanding of acquisition, structure, change, and embedding.
Grammar for EAP is a grammar reference and practice book which provides students with the functional grammar they need to succeed in their academic studies, whatever their chosen subject. Grammar for EAP reviews and consolidates the key grammatical areas needed for essay writing and presentations, and puts theory into practice with exercises which test knowledge and challenge understanding. Includes detailed answer key.
Advanced Learner's English Dictionary CDROM 2006 Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary offers detailed treatment of today's language. Based on the evidence from the Bank of English corpus, which now contains over 524 million words, the fifth edition contains the most important new words and meanings which have come into the language over the past two years, as well as thousands of new, updated examples, taken directly from the corpus.
Futures for English Studies brings together chapters by leading writers across the curriculum area of English to investigate how the component parts of English (literature, language, and creative writing) are located institutionally in higher education and to explore the interdisciplinary prospects of a subject which spans the humanities and social sciences.