Added by: decabristka | Karma: 68075.20 | Only for teachers, CAE | 12 September 2014
Spotlight on CAE is a completely new, comprehensive course carefully written to the new CAE exam specifications introduced in December 2008. It prepares adult and younger learners to excel in the revised exam. All four skills are developed within each of the sixteen units, and are supported by an overall skills-based examination syllabus.
Taking stock of interdisciplinarity as it nears its century mark, the Oxford Handbook of Interdisciplinarity constitutes a major new reference work on the topic of interdisciplinarity, a concept of growing academic and societal importance. Interdisciplinarity is fast becoming as important outside academia as within. Academics, policy makers, and the general public are seeking methods and approaches to help organize and integrate the vast amounts of knowledge being produced, both within research and at all levels of education.
The study of syntax over the last half century has seen a remarkable expansion of the boundaries of human knowledge about the structure of natural language. TheHandbook of Syntax presents a comprehensive survey of the major theoretical and empirical advances in the dynamically evolving field of syntax from a variety of perspectives, both within the dominant generative paradigm and between syntacticians working within generative grammar and those working in functionalist and related approaches.
Syntax within the Word: Economy, allomorphy, and argument selection in Distributed Morphology
Syntax within the Word provides a multifaceted look into the syntactic framework of Distributed Morphology (DM) within the Minimalist program. For those unfamiliar with the theory, this monograph provides an overview of DM and argues its strengths. For those more familiar with DM, this monograph provides analyses of familiar data much of which has not been treated within the framework: argument selection, stem allomorphy and suppletion, nominal compounds in English (feet-first vs. *heads-first), and the structure of the verb phrase.
Traditionally the study of syntax is restricted to the study of what goes on within the boundaries of the prosodic sentence. Although the nature of clause combining within a prosodic sentence has always been a central concern of traditional syntax (in GG, e.g. it underlies important research on deletion and anaphora), work within a discourse analysis framework has hardly been done. Analyses like this are given in the present volume.