Coordination in syntax is an important part of the analysis of sentence structure. Niina Ning Zhang addresses the issues raised by coordinate pairings and the implications of these structures, looking in particular at examples within English and Chinese. The volume covers the major questions regarding coordinates in syntax, providing a fresh perspective to arguments raised within previous literature. She explains how such coordinate complexes are structured,
Poetry, consciousness and community (Consciousness Literature and the Arts)
The series entitled “Consciousness, Literature and the Arts” is a scholarly line of books consisting of monographs (and thematic collections of articles), in the English language, dealing with a wide variety of areas, problems, and applications within the broad field of consciousness studies in relation to literature and the arts with all their sub-genres.
Over the past decade the financial and business environments have undergone significant changes. During the same period several advances have been made within the field of financial engineering, involving both the methodological tools as well as the application areas. This comprehensive edited volume discusses the most recent advances within the field of financial engineering, focusing not only on the description of the existing areas in financial engineering research, but also on the new methodologies that have been developed for modeling and addressing financial engineering problems.
Cultural and linguistic diversity: evolutionary approaches
Evolutionary approaches to cultural change are increasingly influential, and many scientists believe that a ‘grand synthesis’ is now in sight (e.g. Mesoudi, Whiten & Laland 2006). At the ‘microevolutionary’ scale, modern theories of cultural evolution recognize that cultural traditions and innovations are socially transmitted person-to-person between and within generations (respectively, by vertical or oblique and by horizontal transmission routes; Cavalli-Sforza & Feldman 1981),...
Smart is the New Rich: If You Can't Afford It, Put it Down
A practical way to think about money today. Author and CNN veteran money correspondent Christine Romans believes we should live by three qualifiers: living within our means, living with less debt, and being less vulnerable. While some may say this is old-fashioned, today it's hard to argue with Romans' view.