Are you having trouble determining your subjects from objects, or adverbs from adjectives? English Grammar offers a new approach to the teaching of traditional grammar, using the insights of modern linguistics and modern teaching methods. Clearly written for the absolute beginner, this workbook helps readers to understand grammatical concepts such as 'noun', 'auxiliary verb' and 'subject', encourages the reader to practice applying newly discovered concepts to ordinary texts, and teaches the user to analyze the grammatical role of almost every word in any English text. Whether you are just trying to brush up on your grammar knowledge or starting from scratch, this accessible workbook provides the basics you need.
Edited by: Pumukl - 5 October 2008
Reason: formatting deleted, external link with thumbs-link replaced
This Student Workbook incorporates interactive reading strategies with core content from the “EXPLORING OUR WORLD (People, Places, and Culture)” textbook written at a lower level than the textbook to help struggling readers and ELL (English Language Learner) students. Some texts will also be useful for ESL/EFL reading comprehension exercises on social studies topics.