Learn English through hands-on creative tasks, investigation, projects and experiments with English Code. Children develop a coding mindset, problem solving, and collaborative skills. These all feature in a syllabus that includes built-in STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Math), driving learners’ natural curiosity about the world around them. A clear focus on functional language gives learners the tools to become effective and confident speakers of English inside and outside the classroom.
Learn English through hands-on creative tasks, investigation, projects and experiments with English Code. Children develop a coding mindset, problem solving, and collaborative skills. These all feature in a syllabus that includes built-in STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Math), driving learners’ natural curiosity about the world around them. A clear focus on functional language gives learners the tools to become effective and confident speakers of English inside and outside the classroom.
Wider World is a new, 5-level course which provides secondary students not just with the ability to communicate well in English and to pass exams with good grades but also with the skills and confidence to participate as educated citizens in the global community of the 21st century – with all its unique challenges and opportunities. Wider World is the portal to a fascinating world of English language knowledge and skills for the 21st century learner. The combination of authentic and engaging videos from the BBC with Pearson’s ELT expertise gives teenage learners everything they need to achieve their goals in the wider world.
StartUp is the new general English course for adults and young adults who want to make their way in the world and need English to do it. This innovative eight-level, multi-skills course is a complete language program. It motivates 21st century learners with relevant and media-rich content, and provides teachers with robust support to make teaching personalizable and easy. StartUp is a flexible blended course that includes the Pearson Practice English App that takes learners from the page to mobile learning anywhere, anytime. It brings the world into the classroom and takes the classroom into the world, putting learners at its center.
Discover the new world of Project Explore with colourful characters and exciting stories. Every lesson is underpinned by the familiar Project methodology and its tried and tested approach to grammar and vocabulary. With Project Explore your students will become confident communicators ready for the world beyond the classroom.