In Islamic law the world was made up of the House of Islam and the House of War with the Ottoman Sultan--the perceived successor to the Caliphs--supreme ruler of the Islamic world. However, Suraiya Faroqhi demonstrates that there was no iron curtain between the Ottoman and other worlds but rather a long-established network of diplomatic, financial, cultural and religious connections. These extended to the empires of Asia and the modern states of Europe. Faroqhi's book is based on a huge study of original and early modern sources, including diplomatic records, travel and geographical writing, as well as personal accounts.
Atlas Of World History is a very cool software, it brings you to the
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Orson Scott Card has the distinction of having swept both the Hugo and Nebulaawards in two consecutive years with his amazing novels Ender’s Game
and Speaker for the Dead. For a body of work that ranges from science
fiction to nonfiction to plays, Card has been recognized as an author
who provides vivid, colorful glimpses between the world we know and
worlds we can only imagine.
In a peaceful, prosperous African
American neighborhood in Los Angeles, Mack Street is a mystery child
who has somehow found a home. Discovered abandoned in an overgrown
park, raised by a blunt-speaking single woman, Mack comes and goes from
family to family–a boy who is at once surrounded by boisterous
characters and deeply alone. But while Mack senses that he is different
from most, and knows that he has strange powers, he cannot possibly
understand how unusual he is until the day he sees, in a thin slice of
space, a narrow house. Beyond it is a backyard–and an entryway into an
extraordinary world stretching off into an exotic distance of
geography, history, and magic.
From the end of the eighteenth century into the early years of the
nineteenth, Americans crossed the Appalachian Mountains and Northwest
Territory, spreading west. They traveled to find new homes,
new lands, and they brought with them the plain magics of plain people.
It is from these roots of the American dream that award-winning writer
Orson Scott Card has crafted a uniquely American fantasy. Using the
lore and the folk magic of the men and women who settled a continent,
and the beliefs of the tribes who were here before them, Card has
created an alternate frontier America; a world where certain magic
really works and has colored the entire history of the colonies. Charms,
beseechings, hexes, and potions all have a place in the lives of the
people of this world. 'Knacks' abound: dowsers find water, sparks set
fires, blacksmiths speak to iron, the second sight
warns of dan ger, and a torch can read the heart-fire of anyone within
reach. Alvin Miller is the seventh son of a seventh son, born while all
of his brothers still lived. Such a birth is a powerful magic; such a
boy is destined to perhaps become a Maker, even though no Maker has
been born for many a century. But Alvin is something special; and even
before his birth, dark forces reached out to destroy him. Rejoin the
tale of Alvin and his wife Peggy as they work to create the Crystal
City of Alvin's vision, where all people can live together in peace. ORSON SCOTT CARD lives in Greensboro, North Carolina.