This is the book that chronicled the lives and times of "the Lost Generation," American expatriates that filled Europe between the world wars. Hemingway's expatriates are there for two different reasons: one is there solely for entertainment, the other, to heal from the horrors of war and create something worth living for. Wounded Jake Barnes narrates a great, difficult love story.
Using The Power of Positive Thinking To Start Investing In You!
Positive Thinking is a Bunch of Crap – and Crap Makes Great Fertilizer “A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.” Herm Albright
Bornstein, putting on the mask of a delightfully tongue-in-cheek workbook, leads the reader through the forest of genders until they arrive to the clear lake of genderlessness -- or something else. Wherever the reader will end up rethinking gender in general and their own gender in particular, the trip there will be worth it alone.
Added by: minhkhoi | Karma: 4.59 | Black Hole | 29 February 2012
The 4-Hour Workweek
The Four Hour Work Week by Tim Ferris is one of those books that leaves you thinking, " Why don't they teach you this stuff in shcool?!" the important thing to remember while reading this book is that it's a lot of "concepts", but the value is in the large amount of unique ideas that you can put to work in your life.It's worth reading, especially those specialize in economics.The notion emerges as how to both work efficiently but still enjoy travelling! Give it a try.
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Added by: JustGoodNews | Karma: 4306.26 | Fiction literature | 10 November 2011
The Astronaut's Wife
This book was fabulous ... until the end. I still gave it four stars because so much of it was so good. A lot time was spent weaving together a sweet, funny, touching life story, then the end was so disappointing. It was like the author just got burnt out and decided to end it without any thought about whether or not the ending made sense. It is still worth reading (if you have the time), but don't buy the book. Borrow it, and enjoy the good parts while they last because the end will baffle you.