Inspirational quotations from Wordsworth, Thoreau, Socrates, John Donne, and other outstanding writers of the past deal with dreams, nature, and living fully.
Literature suffers from appearing both deceptively easy and dauntingly difficult. We all like to think we can read a novel and understand what 'genre', 'style' and 'narrative' mean, but do we really understand them fully and how they can enrich our reading experience? How should we approach the works of great writers such as William Shakespeare, T.S. Eliot, Charles Dickens and Jane Austen?
The story portrays the life of Holly Golightly, a young woman transplanted to Manhattan with an unknown past. She is trying to find her place in the world when she meets her neighbour, an unnamed, unemployed writer. The novella is set in Manhattan's Upper East Side during the 1940's. It follows the young writer's affections for the charming but strange Holly.
In his more than three dozen books, Elmore Leonard has captured the imagination of millions of readers as few writers can. A literary icon praised by The New York Times Book Review as "the greatest crime writer of our time, perhaps ever," he has influenced many contemporary writers and is known for both the quality and the accessibility of his writing.