A sequel to The Game of Life and How to Play It, this book presents positive affirmations for success, happiness, marriage, loss, debt, interviews, projection, health, and journeys. The author writes of the familiar, practical, and everyday, and her spiritual teaching comes through clear and strong.
Katherine Mansfield is probably the most famous writer from New Zealand. Her short stories are full of spiritual power and feminine life perception. All her literary works are remarkable by a special psychological analysis of the character. Modern critics consider Mansfield to be a very sincere author, who writes from her personal inner world instead of simply copying the general reality.
This is the final Tommy & Tuppence novel. Tommy and Tuppence Beresford have just become the proud owners of an old house in an English village. Along with the property, they have inherited some worthless bric-a-brac, including a collection of antique books. While rustling through a copy of "The Black Arrow", Tuppence comes upon a series of apparently random underlinings. However, when she writes down the letters, they spell out a very disturbing message: M a r y - J o r d a n - d i d - n o t - d i e - n a t u r a l l y!
The world is changing ever more rapidly, and the rules of marketing are no different, writes Godin, the field's reigning guru. The old ways-run-of-the-mill TV commercials, ads in the Wall Street Journal and so on-don't work like they used to, because such messages are so plentiful that consumers have tuned them out. This means you have to toss out everything you know and do something "remarkable" to have any effect at all, writes Godin (Permission Marketing; Unleashing the Ideavirus).
Added by: orchiddl | Karma: 2026.11 | Black Hole | 23 July 2012
101 Exercises for the Soul
In these pages, Dr. Bernie offers 101 simple exercises for the soul, a divine plan for healing yourself and transforming your life. With his trademark humor and insight, he becomes your “workout coach,” giving you this wonderful series of short and easy-to-apply exercises to help you achieve your potential and live a more peaceful, loving, and fulfilling life. As Bernie writes in the introduction, “Before you know it, you will begin to notice how your life has taken on more meaning and how much better you feel.…The Force is with you. Believe me.”