The newspapers referred to it as the case of the seventy seven clocks. There was quite a fuss at the time. We got into terrible trouble. Dear fellow, it was one of our most truly peculiar cases. I remember as if it was yesterday.' In fact, Arthur Bryant remembers very little about yesterday, but he does remember the oddest investigation of his career.. It was late in 1973. As strikes and blackouts ravaged the country during Edward Heath's 'Winter of Discontent', sundry members of a wealthy, aristocratic family were being disposed of in a variety of grotesque ways - by reptile, by bomb, by haircut.
The English Noun Phrase: The Nature of Linguistic Categorization
Added by: honhungoc | Karma: 8663.28 | Black Hole | 8 August 2011
The English Noun Phrase: The Nature of Linguistic Categorization
English has an interesting variety of noun phrases, which differ greatly in structure. Examples are 'binominal' (two-noun) phrases ('a beast of a party'); possessive constructions ('the author's opinion'); and discontinuous noun phrases ('the review [came out yesterday] of his book'). How are these different noun phrases structured? How do we produce and understand them?
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Leigh...She was terrifyingly alone on a Texas highway about to deliver her first child when a rugged stranger in a pickup truck stopped to help her. Leigh Bransom had lost her husband eight months before when he was tragically killed on the job. Now a fateful meeting on a lonesome highway brought a new man into her life - one with secrets and the power to make her lonely once again. Chad...A man who pursued a dangerous business, Chad Dillon kept his past a mystery. He was determined to make Leigh care for him, but there were no guarantees that his love could protect her from the very thing she feared most.
The book starts with a history of physics that is reminiscent of "The Elegant Universe" by Brian Greene. From Newton to Maxwell to Einstein and beyond, Derman discovers the great theories of yesterday and finds himself in the middle of a seven year marathon to a PhD and the launch of his academic career.
Edited by: stovokor - 11 December 2008
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