Whiskey and Philosophy: A Small Batch of Spirited Ideas
Thoughtful essays on the history, significance, and pleasures of whiskey Everyone becomes a philosopher with a drink in hand, but Whiskey & Philosophy takes this natural pairing to a new level. It explores a range of philosophical topics related to whiskey through engaging reflections written by philosophers, whiskey writers, and others.
This book focuses on strategies for applying games, simulations and interactive experiences in learning contexts. A facet of this project is the interactive and collaborative method in which it was created. Instead of separated individual articles, the authors and editors have orchestrated the articles together, reading and writing as a whole so that the concepts across the articles resonate with each other.
Humans have come a long ways since the looking glass gates first appeared and an alien menace turned a motley crew of scientists, sailors and force recon Marines into battle-hardened space adventurers. Now with other species running scared, it’s up to humans to take the lead and mold a weapon capable of checking the Dreen—a galactic cancer that has so far proved unstoppable. Their arsenal A hodge-podge of powerful technologies begged, borrowed and/or looted from across the galaxy and cobbled together on what has to be the strangest ship ever to ply the starways
Development Across the Life Span, 5th EdFor classes in lifespan development. Development Across the Lifespan offers students a chronological overview of physical, cognitive, social, and emotional development–from conception through death. It presents up-to-date coverage of theory and research, with an emphasis on the application of these concepts by students in their personal–and future professional–lives. The text taps into students’ inherent interest in the subject of human development, encouraging them to draw connections between the material and their own experiences.
Embracing the concepts of aesthetics and functionality, this bi-monthly publication explores the art, science, and evolution of the visual form which includes upscale residences and vacation homes. Articles by experienced periodical writers address how these buildings influence their surroundings, and the people who live in and frequent them. Each issue will feature a minimum of four upscale homes from across Canada, as well as articles ranging from, but not limited to, Antiques, Culture, Fine Furniture, Kitchen/Bath and Travel Destinations.