This book presents an innovative approach to reinforcing students math skills. The 27 engaging lessons are easy to implement, require little or no preparation, and take only 5 to 15 minutes to teach. Designed for use during transition times, the minilessons help students practice math concepts, skills, and processes by applying them in a variety of problem-solving contexts throughout the school day. Content areas explored include: number and operations; algebra; geometry; data analysis and probability; and measurement.
These two books present an innovative approach to reinforcing students' math skills. The 27 engaging lessons in each book are easy to implement, require little or no preparation, and take only 5 to 15 minutes to teach. Designed for use during transition times, the minilessons help students practice math concepts, skills, and processes by applying them in a variety of problem-solving contexts throughout the school day. Content areas explored include: number and operations; algebra; geometry; data analysis and probability; and measurement.
Teaching Phonemic Awareness through Children's Literature and Experiences
Teaching phonemic awareness can be boring and repetitive in the hands of a teacher who wishes to just use a workbook approach. This delightful book packs loads of fun into 75 lesson plans, providing educators with myriad creative strategies for integrating word study with children's picture books. Each lesson includes a read-aloud book description, literacy experience activity, direct instruction, follow-up activities, recommended poem, and related reading. Grades K-2
This series is specially designed for students from absolute beginner to intermediate level. Each book consists of five modules and provides systematic preparation in all four language skills - listening, speaking, reading and writing - required at these levels. The Student´s Book and the Workbook are designed to be covered in approximately 60 to 80 hours of classroom work.