Universities, Rankings and the Dynamics of Global Higher Education
Added by: miaow | Karma: 8463.40 | Other | 21 July 2016
Global university rankings are now more than a decade old and this book uses the data they have produced to examine how the international landscape of universities has changed over the years. It offers new insights into the power and limits of league tables, a key element of globalized higher education that can be deplored but hardly ignored. Case studies from Asia, Europe and North America are explored to highlight the issues raised by a quantitative exercise that decontextualizes what is linked so strongly to local factors.
Added by: miaow | Karma: 8463.40 | Other | 6 July 2016
McDonald's founder Ray Kroc once said, "It requires a certain kind of mind to see beauty in a hamburger bun." The hamburger has been a staple of American culture for the last century, both a source of gluttonous joy and a recurrent obstacle to healthy eating. Now the full beauty of the burger in all its forms is explored in Hamburger, a debut title in Reaktion Books' new Edible series.
The story takes place at sea, near the Gulf of Siam, and is told from the perspective of a young nameless Captain. The captain is unfamiliar with both his ship and his crew, having only joined their company a fortnight earlier. The Captain is furthermore unsure of himself, questioning his ability to fulfill the role of such an authoritative figure. These themes are explored through symbols throughout the novella.
This engaging book follows the travels of French nobleman Sieur de la Salle who expanded the fur trade in North America—then called New France—and explored the Mississippi River down to the Gulf of Mexico.
The revival of translation as a means of learning and teaching a foreign language and as a skill in its own right is occurring at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels in universities. In this book, Sara Laviosa proposes a translation-based pedagogy that is grounded in theory and has been applied in real educational contexts. This volume draws on the convergence between the view of language and translation embraced by ecologically-oriented educationalists and the theoretical underpinnings of the holistic approach to translating culture. It puts forward a holistic pedagogy that harmonizes the teaching of language and translation in the same learning environment.