Read and Write (Approaching Level) is an interactive worktext for students below grade level which provides additional language and concept support. It contains authentic literature and nonfiction with substantive, differentiated, and scaffolded support at point of use. The Teacher Edition includes an answer key and other teacher features.
The idea of writing this book started after observing students (foreign language learners of English) suffering from the lack of actual daily-life situations in the English used in their grammar course. They usually separate the grammatical rules from the contexts in which they are used, and memorize them as a poem. Some beginner students translate these rules into their native languages and fall at the danger of transfer. As a result, most of these courses have created a great deal of difficulty to students at all levels of their language proficiency.
Read and Write (Approaching Level) is an interactive worktext for students below grade level which provides additional language and concept support. It contains authentic literature and nonfiction with substantive, differentiated, and scaffolded support at point of use. The Teacher Edition includes an answer key and other teacher features.
Added by: decabristka | Karma: 68075.20 | Only for teachers, FCE | 14 October 2016
The contemporary design and updated material in this revised edition will motivate students preparing for the 2015 Cambridge English: First exam. The exams skills training activities and tips give students confidence when approaching FCE tasks
Read and Write (Approaching Level) is an interactive worktext which provides additional language and concept support for students below grade level. It contains authentic literature and nonfiction with substantive, differentiated, and scaffolded support at point of use. The Teacher Edition includes an answer key and other teacher features.