In England in the eighth century, in the midst of the so-called Dark Ages, Offa ruled Mercia, one of the strongest Anglo-Saxon kingdoms. For over 30 years he was the dominant warlord in the territory south of the Humber and the driving force behind the expansion of Mercia’s power. During that turbulent period he commanded Mercian armies in their struggle against the neighboring kingdoms of Northumbria and Wessex and against the Welsh tribes.
Alexander the Great: The Legend of a Warrior King (DK Discoveries)
Added by: miaow | Karma: 8463.40 | Other | 27 June 2016
Follows the history of Alexander the Great and his campaign to conquer the known world, including information on his traveling companions, armies of his time, ships, and food.
Course No. 8870 (48 lectures, 30 minutes/lecture) Taught by Jonathan P. Roth San Jose State University Ph.D., Columbia University 1. What Is War? 2. The Historiography of War 3. The Stone Age War 4. Peace, War, and Civilization 5. The Chariot Revolution 6. The Sword Revolution 7. Steppes, Standing Armies, and Silver Trade 8. Pirates and Hoplites Reuploaded Thanks to floarea
The Eagle Unbowed: Poland and the Poles in the Second World War
The Second World War gripped Poland as it did no other country in Europe. Invaded by both Germany and the Soviet Union, it remained under occupation by foreign armies from the first day of the war to the last. The conflict was brutal, as Polish armies battled the enemy on four different fronts. It was on Polish soil that the architects of the Final Solution assembled their most elaborate network of extermination camps, culminating in the deliberate destruction of millions of lives, including three million Polish Jews.