BBC- Talking Business
This course gives you useful language and phrases to improve your
spoken communication skills in English in different business
situations. Each section features audio, target language and a quiz -
all of which are downloadable. You'll also have the opportunity to
practise and test your understanding of the language.
How to Use Power Phrases to Say What You Mean, Mean What You Say,; Get What You Want
Easy-to-master techniques for more effective communications in all areas of life
this breakthrough guide, communication guru Meryl Runion explains why
effective communication is more than just a business tool. It is also
the key to happier, healthier relationships, and greater personal
fulfillment and business success. In How to Use Power Phrases to Say What You Mean, Mean What You Say, & Get What You Want she
introduces readers to the concept of power phrases--short, focused
expressions that let people be direct and to the point without seeming
brusque or nasty. In clear, down-to-earth language, illustrated with
numerous vignettes and real-world examples, Runion teaches readers how
Say what needs to be said without fear of misinterpretation or creating negative emotional responses
Master six basic methods for crafting power phrases for any setting and every social, professional, or interpersonal situation
101 Internet Businesses You Can Start from Home
How to Choose and Build Your Own Successful e-Business Written for those who want to break away from rigid schedules,
unappreciative bosses, and soul-sapping commutes, this book puts
prospective Internet entrepreneurs on the road to success by offering
an analysis of Internet mechanics and commerce and providing profiles
of successful Internet businesses. Containing more than just technical
information, this manual also helps the entrepreneur prioritize
business goals and evaluate comfortable levels of risk, ensuring that
the chosen business matches the aspirations of the entrepreneur. Each
of the 101 business profiles includes promotion techniques for helping
these start-ups get on the road to success, and a password for access
to the companion website is provided.
Secrets of the eBay Millionaires
Secrets to high-volume, high-profit sales from the most successful
sellers on eBay. Secrets of the eBay Millionaires reveals the inside
stories behind eBay’s most successful sellers—including those in the
Professional eBay Seller’s Association, who together make more than $1
billion annually on eBay. For the first time in one volume, aspiring
PowerSellers will get hundreds of undocumented tips and tricks on
building a strong eBay business and maximizing sales and profits.
Readers will learn to develop a business plan, identify market need,
promote their products, build a solid reputation, and more. The sellers
profiled represent the major eBay categories, including computers and
software, consumer electronics, books, movies, music, collectibles,
jewelry, and B-to-B merchandise. Various business models are examined,
such as hobbyist-turned- entrepreneur and brick-and-mortar businesses
brought online. Readers are sure to find sellers with whom they can
• COVER: Has Obama Changed Politics, or Has It Changed Him? - In his new, more combative mode, the challenger has begun to dislodge the idea of Hillary Clinton's inevitability. But does going on offense put him on the defensive about changing politics as usual?
• HEALTH & MEDICINE: The Next Attention Deficit Disorder? - If you haven't heard of sensory processing disorder, or SPD, you're not alone. It's not in the medical books. So why are so many kids being treated for it?
• BUSINESS: Bracing for a Recession - Consumers drive the U.S. economy. But we're maxed out on our debt, and the good times may be coming to an end
• ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT: The Legend of Will Smith - How one man built a global movie-magnet machine