Added by: mhazrati | Karma: 732.25 | Black Hole | 15 August 2018
The Baker Compact Dictionary of Biblical Studies
When it comes to the realm of biblical studies, students of the Bible are often overwhelmed, both with the sheer volume of information and with all of the unfamiliar terms, concepts, and topics. Like any other field of study, the serious study of the Bible has developed a specialized vocabulary. The key terms in this important field are defined in The Compact Dictionary of Biblical Studies. It provides clear, concise, and accurate definitions to help students of the Bible make sense of the specialized language of biblical studies.
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Added by: camhuy | Karma: 1388.27 | Black Hole | 21 January 2011
Biblical Wisdom Literature (Audiobook)
In the history of wisdom literature, no tradition matches the solace and profundity found in the teachings of the Bible. For centuries, people have taken comfort and insight from the familiar yet eternally resonant writings of the Bible's wisdom literature:
"There is an appointed time for everything, and a time for every affair under the heavens." (book of Qoheleth)
"How much better to get wisdom than gold, to choose understanding rather than silver!" (book of Proverbs)
"A faithful friend is beyond price. No sum can balance his worth." (book of Sirach)
"Blessed are they who are persecuted for righteousness' sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven." (Beatitudes of Jesus)
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Added by: algy | Karma: 431.17 | Black Hole | 12 October 2010
Debt-Slavery in Israel and the Ancient Near East
This original study concerns itself with the manumission laws of Exodus 20, Deuteronomy 15 and Leviticus 25. It begins with the social background to debt slavery and the socio-economic factors encouraging the rise of debt slavery in Mesopotamia. After a comparative analysis of the Mesopotamian and biblical material Chirichigno examines the social background to debt slavery in Israel, the various slave laws in the Pentateuch (in order to delimit the chattel-slave laws from the debt-slave laws), and the biblical manumission laws themselves.
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The Hebrew Pharaohs of Egypt: The Secret Lineage of the Patriarch Joseph
A reinterpretation of Egyptian and biblical history that shows the Patriarch Joseph and Yuya, a vizier of the eighteenth dynasty king Tuthmosis IV, to be the same person • Uses detailed evidence from Egyptian, biblical, and Koranic sources to place Exodus in the time of Ramses I • Sheds new light on the mysterious and sudden rise of monotheism under Yuya's daughter, Queen Tiye, and her son Akhnaten • New Edition of Stranger in the Valley of the Kings