Certitude: A Profusely Illustrated Guide to Blockheads and Bullheads, Past and Present
Added by: wepr | Karma: 22385.36 | E-Books, Non-Fiction | 2 June 2013 |
Certitude: A Profusely Illustrated Guide to Blockheads and Bullheads, Past and Present
Sometimes all we have is the courage of our convictions. But not all convictions are created equal. In fact, some are downright delusional. And once a foolish notion sinks its teeth into the famous or the powerful, look out–the impact can have profound consequences for the rest of us. So it’s nothing short of gratifying when our most bullheaded and self-righteous leading lights insist on getting their way only to be proven egregiously embarrassingly wrong. |
Tags: Certitude, convictions, short, notoriously, presents, Present, Blockheads, Bullheads |