Carmilla: Penguin Active Reading Level 3
Added by: decabristka | Karma: 68075.20 | Graded Readers, Audio | 27 March 2016 |
 Laura and her father live quietly in a castle in the middle of a thick forest, but their lives change when beautiful, strange Carmilla becomes their guest. People start dying, and Laura also becomes ill. Laura's father is worried. Will his daughter die too? Or can the deaths be stopped? |
Tags: Laura, becomes, their, Carmilla, father |
Breakdown (V. I. Warshawski Series) (Unabridged Audiobook) 2012
Added by: saimoh76 | Karma: 7331.60 | Audiobooks | 10 November 2012 |
Breakdown (V. I. Warshawski Series) (Unabridged Audiobook) 2012
Carmilla, Queen of the Night, is a shape-shifting raven whose fictional exploits thrill girls all over the world. When tweens in Chicago’s Carmilla Club hold an initiation ritual in an abandoned cemetery, they stumble on an actual corpse, a man stabbed through the heart in a vampire-style slaying. The girls include daughters of some of Chicago’s most powerful families: the grandfather of one, Chaim Salanter, is among the world’s wealthiest men; the mother of another, Sophy Durango, is running for the United States Senate. For V. I. Warshawski, the questions multiply faster than the answers. |
Tags: Warshawski, Chicago\'s, Breakdown, Carmilla, girls |