Added by: Kahena | Karma: 11526.37 | Fiction literature | 15 November 2010
The White Knight
First published in the Catalan language in Valencia in 1490, Tirant lo Blanc ("The White Tyrant") is a sweeping epic of chivalry and high adventure. With great precision and verve, Martorell narrates land and sea battles, duels, hunts, banquets, political maneuverings, and romantic conquests. Reviewing the first modern Spanish translation in 1969 (Franco had ruthlessly suppressed the Catalan language and literature), Mario Vargas Llosa hailed the epic's author as "the first of that lineage of God-supplanters--Fielding, Balzac, Dickens, Flaubert, Tolstoy, Joyce, Faulkner--who try to create in their novels an all-encompassing reality."
Eugène Charles Catalan made his famous conjecture – that 8 and 9 are the only two consecutive perfect powers of natural numbers – in 1844 in a letter to the editor of Crelle’s mathematical journal. One hundred and fifty-eight years later, Preda Mihailescu proved it.
This is the most comprehensive account of Catalan phonology ever published. Catalan is a Romance language, occupying a position somewhere between French, Spanish, and Italian. It is the first language of six and a half million people in the northeastern Spain and of the peoples of Andorra, French Catalonia, the Balearic Islands, and a small region of Sardinia. Dr Wheeler describes Barcelona pronunciation and the major varieties of western Catalonia, Valencia, and Majorca, and considers social and stylistic variation.
This study deals with the use of pragmatic markers in English and Catalan oral narrative (Labov and Waletzky 1967), a monologued text-genre that presents a regular structural pattern. The main aim is to try to show that pragmatic markers play a decisive role in the telling of the events. In order to be able to cope their signiªcance within the text, the overall structure of English and Catalan narratives is also going to be analyzed and compared.