Added by: decabristka | Karma: 68075.20 | Fiction literature | 27 June 2017
Portnoy's Complaint is a 1969 American novel that turned its author Philip Roth into a major celebrity, sparking a storm of controversy over its explicit and candid treatment of sexuality, including detailed depictions of masturbation using various props including a piece of liver. The novel tells the humorous monologue of "a lust-ridden, mother-addicted young Jewish bachelor," who confesses to his psychoanalyst in "intimate, shameful detail, and coarse, abusive language."
Business Letters (Quickstudy Reference Guides - Academic)
Outlines the basic concepts of memos, emails, complaints and customer correspondence. 6-page guide also includes: - basics in formatting - informational letters - requests for informational letters - letters of recommendation - cover letters - letters of complaint - and much more...
Bowen is a minister with a very simple message: quit complaining. If you do, you'll be happier and healthier. Hence his Complaint-Free World challenge; the goal is to stop for 21 consecutive days. Why 21? That's how long it takes to break a habit, according to Bowen, who has appeared on Oprah and The Today Show discussing his challenge. And while there's no scientific proof his program works, he includes testimonials from people who've stopped their chronic carping and now lead more positive lives.
After headache, vertigo and dizziness is the second most common complaint of patients. Vertigo is not a disease entity, but rather an unspecific syndrome consisting of various disorders with different causes. Most syndromes of vertigo can only be correctly diagnosed by means of a careful medical history and physical examination of the patient. The majority of these cases have a benign cause, a favorable natural course, and a positive response to therapy
Nothing motivates a company faster than a well-written complaint. Sure, a phone call can sometimes work-but how many people did you have to speak to first and how long were you on hold? 101+ Complaint Letters That Get Results tells you what you need to say, shows you how to say it and gets you the satisfaction you deserve.