The Brain That Changes Itself: Stories of Personal Triumph from the Frontiers of Brain Science (Audiobook)
Added by: Starcn | Karma: 199.38 | Self-Improvement, Audiobooks | 7 October 2011 |
The Brain That Changes Itself: Stories of Personal Triumph from the Frontiers of Brain Science (Audiobook)For years the doctrine of neuroscientists has been that the brain is a machine: break a part and you lose that function permanently. But more and more evidence is turning up to show that the brain can rewire itself, even in the face of catastrophic trauma: essentially, the functions of the brain can be strengthened just like a weak muscle. Scientists have taught a woman with damaged inner ears, who for five years had had "a sense of perpetual falling," to regain her sense of balance with a sensor on her tongue, and a stroke victim to recover the ability to walk although 97% of the nerves from the cerebral cortex to the spine were destroyed.
Tags: brain, Brain, about, Doidge, Itself, Science, Audiobook, sense |