This book is a basic guide to the grammar and usage of English for anyone learning or teaching the language. If you are a learner, it is a reference book in which to look up problems you encounter in using the language, as well as a book to find out more abou the way English works. If you are a teacher, it is a basic reference book to turn to when faced with something you ae not sure of, as well as a source book to help present grammar in class.
This practical course bridges the gap between general English and the professional world of working adults. The syllabus is based on the needs of people in work who use English as an international means of communication.
International Express Intermediate, New Edition - A new edition that retains the successful combination of general and work-related English with over 70% new material.
Young Learners Go! is a complete English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) course that gives young learners a solid foundation and a positive first experience in learning English.
- teaches English through meaningful themes and practical contexts that are relevant to learners' daily lives - Based on the multiple intelligences theory - Spiral progression teaching: allowing for a complete understanding and acquisition of the language for learners - Learner-centric : develops learners' ownership of the language - User-friendly
The Ins and Outs of Prepositions
Prepositions pose more problems for the non-native speaker or learner of English than any other part of speech. Why? Prepositions are just little words that never change in form; they are pronounced softly, in unstressed syllables; they aren't even given capital letters in book titles; native speakers choose the correct ones without thinking. How can they be confusing?
The word "preposition" has a straightforward definition: a word placed before a noun or pronoun to define its relationship with another word in the sentence. For the learner of English, however, prepositions are anything but straightforward
Prepositions are difficult, if not impossible, to define without using other prepositions.
English as a Global Language
David Crystal's informative account of the rise of English as a global
language explores the history, current status and potential of English
as the international language of communication. This new edition of his
classic work includes additional sections on the future of English as a
world language, English on the Internet, and the possibility of an
English "family" of languages. Footnotes, new tables, and a
comprehensive bibliography reflect the expanded scope of the revised
edition. An internationally renowned scholar in the field of language
and linguistics, David Crystal received an Order of the British Empire
in 1995 for his services to the English Language.He is the author of several books with Cambridge, including Language
and the Internet (2001), Language Death (2000), English as a Global
Language (1997), Cambridge Encyclopedia of Language (1997), and
Cambridge Encyclopedia of the English Language (19
Download Description:
David Crystal, world authority on the English language, has written a
timely and informative account of the phenomenon of English as a global
language - the most successful the globe has ever known, with perhaps
1,500 million speakers. But if its rise continues what will be the fate of less powerful tongues? and what would have been the impact if Bill Gates
had grown up speaking Chinese? What makes a world language? And why is
English the leading candidate? Will it continue to hold that position?
This book will appeal to anyone with an interest in language issues,
whatever their political views on the subject.