Stephen King - Salem's Lot. Perry Anne - A Sudden Fearful Death. Preston & Child - The Book of the Dead. Linwood Barclay - Stone Rain. Tom Clancy - Red Storm Rising. David Wellington - Frostbite. Stephen King - My Pretty Pony. Shirley Jackson - The Haunting of Hill House. Hayes Madison - [Calendar Girl] - Miss May. Harlan Coben - The Woods. Richard Matheson - Hell House. Richard Matheson - I Am Legend. Chandler A Bertram - The Far Traveller. Sitchin Zecharia - 12th Planet. 12th Planet Book Images Richard Stark - Flashfire. Dan Simmons - Hyperion. Dan Simmons - The Fall of Hyperion. Dan Simmons - Endymion. ...
WORD TOWN - Basic English Vocabulary
presents hundreds of common vocabulary words found within a typical town. It is organized into 20 relevant scenes, such as
hospital and
supermarket, each emphasizing real-life situations. Students can see, hear and read all of the words necessary for everyday communication in English. The clear, colorful scenes and easy-to-read type facilitate quick learning of essential words. In addition to vocabulary, correct pronunciation is stressed. This CD-ROM is a helpful aid in the classroom, with a tutor or for independent study. Level: Beginning/Intermediate
содержит сотни общеупотребительных слов в рамках типичного города. Она представлена в виде 20 соответствующих тем, включая:
дом, школа, больница, супермаркет и д.р. с акцетом на реальные ситуации. Студенты могут видеть, слышать и читать все слова необходимые для каждодневного общения на английском. Яркие и красочные сцены способствуют быстрому изучению основных слов. Этот CD-ROMочень полезен для работы в группе, с репетитором или для самостоятельных занятий.
This lively and attractive book will be invaluable to all those who have difficulty with spelling; a help to good spellers who want to avoid the less obvious mistakes; and a guide for foreigners through the illogicalities of English spelling. The guidelines, rules and exceptions are presented in a highly visual and entertaining form and there are lots of tests and quizzes for readers to check their progress.
Authors: Robyn Gee and Carol Watson 1990 Usborne Publishing