Eddings begins his new Elenium series in a world that has different names but much the same feel as those of his bestselling Belgariad and Malloreon series. Fans will find themselves back in step as the Pandion knight Sparhawk sets off to find a cure for his poisoned Queen Ehlana. PW praised Eddings's "graceful, fluid style of storytelling."
Eddings begins his new Elenium series in a world that has different names but much the same feel as those of his bestselling Belgariad and Malloreon series. Fans will find themselves back in step as the Pandion knight Sparhawk sets off to find a cure for his poisoned Queen Ehlana. PW praised Eddings's "graceful, fluid style of storytelling." Sparhawk, Pandion Knight, and Queen's Champion have returned to Elenia after ten years of exile, only to find young Queen Ehlanda trapped in a block of ensorcelled crystal. As Sparhawk sets out to find a cure for Ehlana, he discovers that only he can defeat the evil plots that threaten her rule....
The Pandion knight Sparhawk and his companions continue their quest for the Bhelliom, the legendary jewel whose power alone can save a dying queen. Eddings's strength lies in his ability to create thoroughly likable heroes with personalities that transcend the formulaic fantasy genre. Graceful prose and judicious humor add style to this excellent addition to fantasy collections.
Eddings should satisfy his many fans with the final volume of his Elenium fantasy trilogy, an adroit mixture of the exalted and the mundane. Finally the knight Sparhawk had come to possess Bhellion, the legendary jewel of magic. With it, he frees Queen Ehalana from the crystalline cocoon that preserves her life, but Bhellion carries dangers of its own. And now Sparkhawk is being stalked by a dark lurking menace that is only the beginning of his troubles....