The Facts on File Illustrated Guide to the Human Body, Brain and Nervous SystemThis book is a concise, illustrated guide to the anatomy, physiology, well-being, and disorders of the human brain and nervous system. It has been written and illustrated specially for students and laypeople interested in medicine, health, fitness, and first aid. Explanatory texts, diagrams, illustrations, captions, and fact boxes are combined to help readers grasp important information at a glance.
Witch Hunts in Europe and America: An Encyclopedia
From the wicked witch of children's stories to Halloween and present-day Wiccan groups, witches and witchcraft still fascinate observers of Western culture. Witches were believed to affect climatological catastrophes, put spells on their neighbours and cavort with the devil. In early modern Europe and the Americas, witches and witch-hunting were an integral part of everyday life, touching major events such as the Reformation and the Scientific Revolution, as well as politics, law, medicine and culture.
Language in the Context of Use: Discourse and Cognitive Approaches to LanguageThe volume explores key convergences between cognitive and discourse approaches to language and language learning, both first and second. The emphasis is on the role of language as it is used in everyday interaction and as it reflects everyday cognition. The contributors share a usage-based perspective on language - whether they are examining grammar or metaphor or interactional dynamics - which situates language as part of a broader range of systems which underlie the organization of social life and human thought.
Studying Children is the first book of its kind to offer a theoretical and practical discussion of how to undertake research using cultural-historical theory when researching the everyday lives of children.
« New English File. Intermediate Video» features Allie, who's English, and Mark, who's from the United States. It presents functional and everyday social language in clear contexts.